Thursday, 15 May 2014

Ely Library to be demolished against wishes of the community and common sense

Ely Library to be demolished against wishes of the community and common sense

Just noticed...thanks to my local Councillor for telling me  NOT
Cardiff Council application to DEMOLISH the most attractive building in ELY 
more about Ely Library here 


Ely Library that the Cardiff Labour plan to demolish 
14/01057/DCO Application for 
Decision DEL
Received: 24/04/2014 Ward: ELY
Case Officer: Martyn Rees
Applicant: Cardiff Council, County Hall, 
Atlantic Wharf, Cardiff
Agents: Cardiff Council Infrastructure 
Design and Construction Management, 
County Hall, Atlantic Wharf, Cardiff 

How can Regeneration Officer agree to the demolition of the best building in Ely? 

A 'library' is to be crammed in the Ugly HUB with other
services Note the flat roofed garish coloured play porch
climbing frame  and special garish infantile letters to remove 
Rees, June 
From: Rees, Martyn 
Sent: 07 May 2014 15:17 
To: Rees, June 
Subject: FW: Ely Library and Housing Office 
As discussed, here is a summary of what is proposed 
following demolition:- Site will be top 
soiled and seeded then either secured with fencing 
and gates or remain open 
with bollards – subject to community consultation. 

I can confirm that the demolition notices were installed in 
the locality on 25th April 2014 and are 
being checked for the 4 week period and will be reinstalled as necessary. 

On reviewing the notices there is no contact details required / input on the notices for people to 
comment on. However the posters advising of the closure, demolition and redevelopment are 
visible in the library window as well as being on display in the library and housing office therefore 
anyone querying the notices are likely to be be the service users and would enquire within these 
buildings and be given our contact details. These posters have been on display since Thur 10th 
April and will remain in situ until closure at end of June. We have not had any queries to date. 

I hope this helps. 

Kind regards, 
Hayley Morgan 
Regeneration Officer | Swyddog Adfywio 
Cardiff Council |Cyngor Caerdydd 
Housing Development & Enabling |Datblygu Tai a Galluogi 
Housing & Communities |Tai a Chymunedau 
Willcox House |Ty Willcox 
PO Box 410, Cardiff, CF11 1FT |Blwch SP 410, Caerdydd, CF11 1FT 
Tel |Ffôn: 029 20 53 7359 (Internal |Estyniad 37359) 

14/01056/DCO Application for Demolition Expected Decision DEL
Received: 24/04/2014 Ward: ELY
Case Officer: Martyn Rees
Applicant: Cardiff Council, County Hall, Atlantic Wharf, Cardiff

Agents: Cardiff Council Infrastructure Design and Construction Management, County Hall, 
Atlantic Wharf, CardiffProposal: DEMOLITION OF HOUSING OFFICE

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