Wednesday, 2 October 2013


 Ely Library gets a mention in the prestigious PEVSNER ARCHITECTURAL GUIDES GLAMORGAN
 A jolly little building,single storeyed, of red brick,under a hipped roof with glazed lantern. Towards the road,doorway between stout twin columns of brick and semicircular windows. The intention was to reflect the materials of the Resurrection church and the motifs of the neighbouring housing, but Soane's " barn a la Paestum " and even the Post Modernism of John Outram seem also to have been in mind. Inside, benches below the windows, and four more portly columns, their surfaces marbled, defining the top-lit space."

How could Ely Cllr Russell Goodway even contemplate demolishing this gem? maybe because he doesnt live here?
Write to him "Goodway, Russell (Cllr)"
Or the other Ely Councillors  Susan Goddard  - 
Cllr Jim Murphy - 
Or write to Caerau Cllr Peter Bradbury

Tuesday, 1 October 2013

Save Ely Lbrary

Jasmine Centre with leaky roof and poor energy rating 
This is the Jasmine Centre that is now to house the reduced library service We called for this decision to be deferred. 
This proposal should be deferred until
1.    A proper assessment of the Jasmine Centre fitness for purpose including a building structure and sustainability report has been prepared.
Beautiful Ely library Featured in Glamorgan
(Pevsner Architectural Guides: Buildings of Wales)
to be demolished and services halved in
move to ugly leaky Jasmine centre ugly 
2.    An accessibility report prepared with vulnerable groups input.
3.    Cabinet members visit the site
4.    The hasty proposal to demolish the library ‘as soon as reasonably practicable’ should be suspended.

The existing purpose built Ely library was Good news for Ely Cardiff in 1976 on the site of the previous library but bad news as civic pride goes down the pan  in 2013 as it is destined for closure and demolition and a runt of a library shoe horned into the ugly Jasmine centre. Aspirations towards a garden village finally stamped out. Ely library was was designed by the staff and students of the Welsh School of architecture led by Prof Mike Harries in 1986 described in Punch at the time as an 'economic little gem' and designed to meet the needs of the community. The library is located in the closest Ely has to a central place and location to interact and is a building of merit and visually attractive. More info here
It is preposterous to suggest shoehorning in so many services into a inadequate building

Is the Jasmine Centre fit for purpose as a ‘hub’?
The Jasmine centre has a leaky corrugated metal roof and costly poor energy performance
Computer rooms in the Jasmine Centre have serious over-heating in the summer sun – the mobile fans used were costly and unsafe, unsuitable for use by many elderly and disabled people.  A potentially expensive system to improve ventilation in warm weather has been recommended -  go here 
Recent energy assessment report (July 2013) found only average energy performance and pointed up many deficiencies, recommending expert studies. It recommended a potentially expensive system to improve ventilation in warm weather.
There has been no assessment of the Building structure and integrity
For more  information go here

Thursday, 8 August 2013

List Ely Library

Work has begun to get this building listed We want this building listed.  

Ely library - Good news for Ely Cardiff in 1976 but bad news as civic pride goes down the pan  in 2013 as it is destined for closure and demolition and a runt of a library shoe horned into the ugly Jasmine centre.

This was designed by the ataff and students of the Welsh School; of architecture led by Prof Mike Harries in 1986 described in Punch at the time as an 'economic little gem'  .  

Mike Harries outside the library he designed

Tuesday, 9 July 2013

Library Budget Outturn 2012/13

Title: Policy Review & Performance Scrutiny Committee 

Cardiff Council have found funds for other libraries. 
Description: Policy Review & Performance Scrutiny Committee 
Location: Ferrier Hall, City Hall
Date: 09/07/2013
Start: 04:30 PM
The Radyr library refurbishment scheme was completed at a total cost of
£565,000 and the library reopened in June. In respect of the Central library,
internal glass panels received a specialist coating in order to comply with
health and safety requirements, with works to the entrance door to be
completed early in 2013/14.
Whilst an application to WG in 2012/13 for £100,000 of grant funding towards
works at Canton Library was unsuccessful, grant of £120,000 has been
awarded for 2013/14. The scheme, expected to cost £700,000, has been
delayed whilst options for service delivery are considered as part of the Hub
proposals. A start on site is expected in July 2013.

Saturday, 6 July 2013

Cardiff Council are going to close and demolish your library

Save Ely Library from demolition and closure. The consultation by Cardiff council on a 'community Hub'  doesn't make it clear that the Ely library is to close and moved to the greatly inferior Jasmine centre.
Ely library building is beautiful and inspirational and should be kept. It was designed by Mike Harries then director of the BSc course in architectural studies at the Welsh school of architecture at UWIST and delighted to work in Ely with . the staff and students of the Welsh School of architecture 
It was opened to great acclaim in 1986.  It replaced the old wooden library opened in 1938. It was described at the time as an 'economic little gem that is just right for its situation’.  
 Labour Cardiff Council want to create a ‘community hub’ which means moving services such as housing and benefit advice, library services, advice for job seekers, opportunities for learning. They suggest that the services of partners such as Citizen Advice and Want to Work and the police could also be included in the Hub. This means they could close the present hosing office in Grand Ave next to the library and make money after demolishing them both by selling the site.
The only and last question in the ‘consultation’ about this says services WILL be located in the Jasmine centre  and asks if you agree?
The Jasmine centre has already got problems with car parking and Treseder Way a quiet road and park behind will become a busy highway.
People in Splott are fighting a similar cuts plan to amalgamate services in a ‘hub’

Find  Save Ely Library  on Facebook Community hubs = cuts